Developed by the acclaimed Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Visual Studio Code is an Integrated Development Environment designed for helping users build Web and cloud applications. The software tool offers support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js and has numerous extensions for other languages, such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, and runtimes like .NET and Unity.
The program's interface is built by today's standards, being modern and offering intuitive functionalities. Also, it is highly customizable, and it offers users the option to color different types of source codes. The only con regarding the interface is that sometimes the program can become sluggish.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code has multiple useful features. One of them is the IntelliSense, which automatically highlights syntax based on variable types, function definition, and imported modules.
Next is the Git control. Git facilitates building, testing and deployment of different types of software. It also allows users to work and access a repository through a dedicated local folder.
Moreover, now you can debug the code from the editor. All you need to do is launch or attach it to your running apps, and debug with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console.
In conclusion, Microsoft Visual Studio Code offers users the right tools for building or debugging Web and cloud applications, all free, and though you may experience some accidental crashes or some lag, it shouldn't stop you from trying it.